Josh Hobson
Joshua Hobson | Bio
Joshua Hobson is a lens-based artist based in Spokane, WA. He studied photography at the University of Florida and received a BFA in Creative Photography in 2007 and an MFA in 2017. Josh regularly exhibits his work including exhibitions at Candela Books, Colorado Center for Photographic Art, Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography, Newspace Center for Photography, SOHO Photo, Wall Space Gallery, Carte Blanche Gallery, Brooklyn Waterfront Arts Coalition and the Center for Fine Art Photography. In 2013 Josh completed a humanitarian photo project on behalf of United Planet and Photographer's Without Borders, traveling to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania to document the development projects of United Planet. In 2015 his first permanent public artwork, Continua: Visualizing Universal Scale, was installed in the Clinical and Translational Science Institute on the University of Florida campus. In 2020, Josh mounted a solo exhibition at the EWU Gallery of Art titled Waveforms: On Rising and Falling. Josh is currently a lecturer in photography at Eastern Washington University.
Joshua Hobson | Artist Statement
As a lens-based artist I am deeply interested with the fluidity of photography– constantly redefining itself and problematizing its status as a fixed medium. Through a broad practice that embraces studio-based image making, on-site straight photography, camera-less concrete processes, material experimentation and abstraction, I aim to challenge and expand upon the primary tenets of the medium: originality, faithfulness, reproduction and indexicality. My current work sits at the crossroads of photography, sculpture and installation and is grounded in material culture and an alternative history of lens-based media. Ultimately, my work aims to imagine a photograph (every photograph) as a stacked and layered set of parts, hidden behind a unified veneer. What we read from the surface is an encoded and layered message created both by the subjectivity of the photographer, the programmed concepts of the camera and the conditions of the image’s production.
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